The Attention Rollercoaster
As soon as we wake up, we’re strapped into a non-stop rollercoaster ride of stimulations that command our attention. Our hearts pound with rage or break with despair with each news headline, while our minds, chained to our phones, hungrily seek dopamine fixes. Our thoughts dart between the shadow of a past that wasn’t and a future that might never come.
By the end of the day, we’re depleted of energy that could have been invested in things more aligned with our higher purpose.
A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.
Improve your attention, improve your life
Many of us know we’re caught in a loop of endless distractions but don’t know how to stop. On top of that, entire industries, armed with billions of dollars and teams of skilled data scientists are relentlessly refining their algorithms to keep us hooked.
To even stand a chance in this war of attention, you need to improve your brain’s “algorithm” to align your thoughts and behavior with what truly matters to you.
Picture being alone in a cabin in the woods with no phone or WiFi. Your behavior would change dramatically! No more endless scrolling on social media - it’s just you and your thoughts. Sure, you may still get lost in a daydream, but a single source of distractions is easier to figure out.
But, it’s not realistic for most of us to hide away in a cabin to escape distractions. We need to learn how to limit these intrusions in our modern-day lives.
Improving your attention will improve your productivity, but it’s not just about checking off more items on your to-do list. Being more intentional is about crafting a life of your choice, where your focus aligns with what truly matters to you.
Instead of being a passenger on the rollercoaster, you become the captain of the ride.
Embrace a journey of 1,000 miles
Learning how to align your thoughts and actions with what you value is called self-improvement.
With nearly 2 billion ‘self-improvement’ results on Google, it would be easy to get lost in all of the tutorials, tips, tricks, hacks and frameworks people have devised over the years. In a way, this is just another example of information overload.
I would know, i’ve tried a lot of them!
My own self-improvement journey started when I was young, inspired by my mother’s bookshelf. Books like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “Emotional Vampires: Dealing With People Who Drain You Dry” sparked my interest in human psychology and techniques to improve my life.
Since then, i’ve devoured countless more books, participated in, and even led courses on Habit Design. I also went through therapy for a time and have even worked with a Tony Robbins coach. My ongoing self-improvement quest is reflected in my Amazon Wish List, a list of books I’ve been curating since 2014!
As you try out different ideas, you’ll start noticing patterns between these 2 billion ideas and more importantly, you’ll come to understand the strengths and weaknesses of these patterns. Remember, what works for one person won’t work for you and what worked for you last year, may not work for you this year.
In essence, self-improvement boils down to three key points:
- How to foster thoughts and behaviors that benefit you
- How to discourage thoughts and behavior that hinder you
- And importantly, understanding the difference between the two
Reclaiming your time and attention
I want to help you experience the “cabin in the woods” idea no matter where you are in the world.
Imagine a place where you can put down the heaviness of life. A place dedicated to peace, tranquility, and focus. A place dedicated entirely to you.
At least for a little while.
In my next post, i’ll help you find the perfect time in your day to visit your cabin in the woods and if you share your email below, i’ll send the post straight to your inbox.